Success Stories
What difference does coaching make?
The testimonials provided by satisfied clients tell one story, but what difference has coaching made? On this page I’ve included an update how the careers of people I’ve worked with have developed. Coaching is a powerful tool, and one that does have a lasting impact on the people who embrace it.
It also has an impact on the coach! At the end of 2023 I was given an ‘Outstanding Alumni’ Award by Nottingham Trent University for the (voluntary) work I have done over the past decade with students within the Nottingham Business School. In my speech to the graduands, I talked about the lessons I have learned from my career, including the importance of having a sense of direction, maximising your luck and being true to your values. These have all been key themes of my career and a core part of how I coach others. My concluding thoughts, and one of my guiding principles, were:
You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.
Having taken redundancy and not being sure what to do next, our sessions helped him connect with his passion for comedy and writing. He now writes for a national magazine. He told me ‘It’s decent pay, great hours and they seem extremely nice, though I’ve been working from home all the time and haven’t actually met them! But I’m enjoying it a lot – and it suits me.’ He is also writing for a comedy news website.
After coming to the UK with his wife, A’s career was set back by the pandemic, so he found a temporary job at Amazon. We worked together to develop his CV, his knowlege of the UK employment market, LinkedIn and the strengths he could bring to an employer. He has now gained a promotion at work, and is using his education and skills in a role where he is valued and encouraged to develop.
Found working in a high-pressure industry where she was expected to be available 24/7 highly stressful. Following our sessions, she left her job and is now studying programming. It’s been a big change but she is now enjoying life again and looking forward to a new career in a different industry.
Also started studying at University. His career pivot has been from running his own electrical installation business to studying music at a top London University. He is finding life challenging but rewarding and he finally has an outlet for his creativity.
Also left her job. She has pivoted from working in a school to running a sustainable tourism business. The first year has been challenging, but the work is more purposeful and fulfilling.
Told me that revamping her LinkedIn profile and knowing her true worth to an employer was key to changing her career. She started a new role at the end of 2021 is really looking forward to 2022.
Managed to overcome her anxiety about work which gave her confidence in herself again. As a result, she was offered a higher-level role in a new company.
What will the future bring?
I don’t like to make predictions, but this quote from Robert Lois Stevenson sums up my approach to the year ahead.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”