360 Feedback
Coaching for Business Performance
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
Peter Drucker.
One of the most common problems in organisations is understanding just how effective people are within their jobs. This problem has become even more acute with the increase of working from home, virtual meetings and managing people remotely. Measuring effectiveness has become more complicated and to use Peter Drucker’s phrase if you can’t measure it, how can you understand how to improve it?
A well-constructed programme of 360° feedback can help managers to understand how well they are performing, the strengths of their team and to have a plan to move forward. I can provide an effective framework for delivering a programme of 360° feedback using state-of-the-art technology, comprehensive feedback reports and a safe but challenging environment within which the feedback is given to managers. My system does not involve overloading managers with reports to complete, as the process allows managers to make a meaningful comparison between different people and to rate them fairly. My framework for providing feedback involves providing individuals with feedback on their reports before involving their managers in developing an action plan. This way there is accountability and ownership of the development plan by both the individual and their manager.
I can adapt my approach to different organisational cultures and situations, including working on-line to deliver the process remotely using Teams, Zoom or Skype. I work with HR and learning and development colleagues to implement best practice and to ensure that the 360° is integrated with your organisation’s talent management process, leadership development or development need identification process. The outcome is a fairer system where each individual understands their strengths, has a plan for developing themselves and whose focus is aligned with the organisations’ goals.
If you would like a discussion about how I can help you with your 360° feedback requirements please contact me.